NEW - Design with Depth
Soaring Seagull design
The seagulls wander in the colorful clouds
Through the clouds and on the water, they fly with ease
To the end of the world they have each other as company
No matter where they go they are always together
Among the 10th anniversary porcelain pieces, the “Everlasting Peony Vase” draws its inspiration from the ancient Chinese concept of “a round, domed sky over a flat, square earth.” The blossoming peonies, which symbolize richness and prosperity in the Chinese culture, surround the vase delivering a message of beauty. The “Peace & Harmony Bamboo Vase” derives its inspiration from the idea of “free and easy wandering” of Zhuangzi, an influential Chinese philosopher. This elegant collection features bamboos, which are admired for their perseverance under harsh conditions, and the solid nodes and soft internodes of bamboo symbolize “getting promoted to a higher position” in Chinese culture. Moreover, this series of works is supplemented either by white-eared sibias, collared bush robins or Taiwan swallowtails, which embodies designer Lee Jiehwen’s idea that “art comes from nature.” Nature as we know it surrounds us in the form of shapes and colors. We can evoke the real emotions within ourselves as long as we are willing to touch and feel them.